
How to get fastCMS up & running quickly

Login to fastCMS administration dashboard

Go to the main page of your new fastCMS website and click the "login" link.

Use the default login details that came with your fastCMS download. We suggest that these details are changed immediately after login.

Go to My Profile page

Once logged in, you will be re-directed to the administration dashboard.

Click on the administrator button, on the top right menu and then "My Profile" link from the drop down menu, this will re-direct you to the "My Profile" page.

Change email & password

Scroll down to the "Profile Information" section.

Now change the default email "" and create a new password.

We suggest that these details are changed immediately after login.

Go to settings section

From the left hand side menu, click on the "Settings" link, this will re-direct you to the "General Settings" tab.

Change support email settings

Click the "Support Email" link or scroll down to the "Support Email Settings" section.

Change the "Website Email", "SMTP Host", "SMTP Username", "SMTP Password" and "SMTP Port" settings to your own servers details.

If unsure of the correct settings for this section, look inside your hosting cPanel or DirectAdmin area or contact your own hosting provider.

Watch a video of this process below:

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